by Illiam Sebitz
Flagship Romance is a Florida-based duo consisting of Shawn Fisher (vocals/guitar) and Jordyn Jackson (vocals), who I might add is a married couple. Since the release of The Fudge Sessions, their 2013 debut, the duo has been on the road for upwards of eight months a year. The newlyweds are out with a new harmonious alternative folk album, Tales from the Self-Help Section. The twelve song album documents victories, failures and lessons the couple have experienced over the last few years. With a sturdy foundation of well-played acoustic guitar, well-executed singing, and distinctive harmonies, with lyrics filled with life’s wonders and catchy melodies, the duo has a strong card up their sleeve.
“Friends” is the opening track, starting with a percussively strummed guitar, paired with gorgeous two-part vocals. The couple’s timbre and inflection meld perfectly into one another, as both sing with soulful emotion. The song continues to build and with the addition of percussion, bass, and another guitar parts the song is lifted even higher. To match the energy, Jackson and Fisher move to the upper register of their voices, both have stunningly strong, defined upper register voices that express the climax of the song.
“If I Can’t Break Your Heart” is built upon Fisher playing an arpeggiated pattern on the guitar. The two exchange phrases and then sing together in their usual spectacular vocal harmony. The singing is rich, and again both use the entire range of their voices.
“Naïve” is an R’n’B influenced moment, with soulful singing by both. With bass and an electronic drum beat, Fisher moves to electric guitar. His playing is soulful and delicious, but the highlight is the singing, warmly hued, and spot-on vocal harmony that is stunningly beautiful. They have a male and female duet texture that is standout in any genre. The two make the kind of music you take everywhere, for a drive, blasting around the house, or playing softly at work, they will deliver a beautiful musical experience.
Flagship Romance is not just a remarkable duet, they have aligned their musical efforts with the clean water cause, and back in 2012, Fisher and Jackson founded the Clean Water Music Fest in Florida, to benefit the 800 million people who lack access to safe, clean drinking water. Flagship Romance has raised over $125,000, 100% of which has been used for well building and tap-stand projects in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and the Sahel region of Africa.
What more can you ask for, amazing music and an amazing cause! With vocals that are simply stunning, this twosome’s songwriting is just the icing on the cake.
Tracks to sample first: “Friends,” “Growing up so Fast,” “If I Can’t Break Your Heart” and “Naïve.” The song to take a chance on is “Life Is A Song.”
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