Hatis Noit | Aura Review


Hatis Noit | Aura Review

By Griff Stevens

Hatis-Noit-cdHatis Noit is a musical force of nature; her unique approach as a Japanese voice artist is on another level. Not is releasing her much anticipated debut album Aura via Erased Tapes. Not says, “Words cannot describe everything we feel. How can one accurately verbalise the sensation we feel when we’re a newborn, and our mother holds us in her arms, and we feel her skin on our cheek? We clearly feel her warmth and humidity, some feeling of love from her, but it’s tough to verbalise it perfectly. Music is a language that can translate that sensation, feeling, the memory of love.” The album title Aura was inspired by the German philosopher Walter Benjamin who used this term to describe the fundamental essence of art, which he believed is strongest in its original form, only happening once. Hatis agrees with this aspect as she realized, “during the pandemic, I really struggled. As a singer, I’m not very good at working on the computer. I much prefer doing live performances in physical spaces. Being with people, sharing the same space with them, and feeling the atmosphere and energy of that moment, inspires me every time. To me, art is that — that shared moment.” The name Hatis Noit is taken from Japanese folklore, meaning the stem of the lotus flower.

“Thor” begins with a pedal tone sung by Hatis Noit. Her pitch and consistency are instantly recognizable. Then, buildingHatis-Noit-shot-by-Ozge-Cone upon the pedal tone, she layers in multiple vocal lines, each adding to the complex tapestry of human voices. Hatis Moit’s various vocal techniques, articulations, and inflections are all used to create different textures of rhythm and pulses. Hatis Noit’s creativity in building vocal textures is outstanding.

“Angelus Novus” is structurally similar to the before-mentioned selection, with its simple beginning of a pedal tone that develops into a lattice of vocal loops. The music flows naturally without clichés as the overall effect is one of emotional awe as Hatis Noit captures your attention with her vocal might and grandeur. Her use of electronics does not get in the way of her creating expressive world music that will keep your full attention.

Hatis-Noit-2Aura is eight selections based on the growing strength of Hatis Moit’s layered vocal parts. Her voice has an impressively wide range as she creates her hues of supplementary layers that build to emotional impact. She makes each track with care and hones in on its melodic possibilities. These eight complex vocalizations present a distinct world sound that mixes cultures, electronics, and emotions through the triumph of the human spirit.


Release Date: June 24, 2022

Label: Erased Tapes

About the author

Griff Stevens
Griff Stevens

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