Lucifer : Lucifer IV Review


Lucifer : Lucifer IV Review

By Griff Stevens

lucifer-cdLucifer is a heavy metal band founded in 2014 in Berlin by The Oath front woman Johanna Sadonis; the group first consisted of Cathedral, Angel Witch, and Ladytron members. The band’s debut album Lucifer I began their climb in international recognition. In 2016, Sadonis moved to Stockholm, and that is where chapter two begins. Nicke Andersson, notable for his groups The Hellacopters, Entombed, Imperial State Electric, Death Breath, joined the band giving Sadonis a new renowned writing partner. Johanna and Nicke wrote and produced the albums Lucifer II and Lucifer III at Nicke’s studio, The Honk Palace in Stockholm. Lucifer is now ringing a new chapter and dives even further into the grande realms of colossal old-fashioned rock with a severe morbid twist. For this opus, they are joined by guitarist Linus Bjorklund’s Studio Ryssviken for an even more heart-pounding drum sound while continuing their work at The Honk Palace. The result is Lucifer IV, with Sadonis writing new material with Nicke, guitarist Linus, and guitarist Martin Nordin.

“Archangel of Death” kicks the high octane journey off with Sadonis’ strong vocal presence leading the way. Her energylucifer-1 and alluring tone are as strong as ever. The band sounds and works like a unit to support her singing, and the guitar playing is agile and delivered with big crunch tones. The songwriting is expressed with straightforward lyrics and melodies as the piece is illuminated by a smooth harmonic progression and even productions. The song encapsulates the raw energy of Lucifer and is a mesmerizing theme to start the album’s journey.

“Bring Me His Head” has a morbid classic rock vibe with full guitar riffs and pounding drums. Sadonis’ ethereal voice is drenched in reverb and placed slightly behind the band in the mix. Making you want to hear her, which gives the song a tiny bit of urgency. The mesmeric guitar flights bring the extroverted melody to new heights, while the bass and drums embrace this luscious state of menace. The fans will undoubtedly flock to the stage during live shows on this one.

lucifer-2Lucifer IV is eleven songs that furthermore build Lucifer’s own pillar of rock history, brick by brick, crunchy chord by crunchy chord, and enticing vocal by enticing vocal. So buckle up for a refreshingly sinister heavy ride past tombs and churches with your pilot to Hard Rock purgatory, Lucifer!

5 Finger Review rates this an 89

5 Finger Review rates this an 89

Artist: Lucifer

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Label: Century Media

Release Date: October 29, 2021

About the author

Griff Stevens
Griff Stevens

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